* Unless you’re building a hover car. In that case, hurry up: we’ve been promised those things for years…
Wheels are great*, aren’t they? Why reinvent the wheel? I’m employing some stellar resources from the community and wanted to be sure to give credit where credit is due.
* Unless you’re building a hover car. In that case, hurry up: we’ve been promised those things for years…
Unsplash provides free high-resolution, very high quality stock photos, so you may see some of their works on this site. Check them out! (They also have a cool placeholder tool called Unsplash It that I use in prototyping, and I highly recommend that service).
Google Fonts provides free webfonts plus a convenient CDN service. I’m using Signika for headings and Vollkorn for body type on this site. Check them out!
The noun project takes a unique approach to addressing the need to search for icons. Check them out!